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Words of Encouragement for Surviving Tough Times

After living through the Covid-19 pandemic the past four months, residents offer advice for surviving hard times like these.

“Maxine Clark is a breath of fresh air,” said Crystal Stock, marketing director. “In the beginning of Covid-19, Maxine shared with me something that has helped me get through this. That is that if we have to be apart for a little while and this is how things have to be a for a few months, she is okay with it because she knows when it is over she will have many more months and years to come with her family. The thought of the years of life after Covid replace the thought of restrictions and social distancing now.”

How does she stay so positive in a crisis?

“Another thing Maxine shared was if she had her ice cream, she could get through anything,” added Crystal.

While ice cream certainly makes life sweeter, Maxine (shown above) just goes about life as usual.

“I’m watching television, keeping up on the news every day. I’m wearing out my chair sitting in it. I read a little bit. The nurses and staff come in quite often, and I visit with them. You just do what you got to do when things like this happen. I sure don’t want to catch the bug going around, so I will stay put,” said Maxine.

Galen Barret is another resident keeping a positive outlook on life.

“Galen is the epitome of what a truly pure-hearted person is, only ever thinking about others and how to share his gratitude and radiate positivity. He is very humble, as well. He leaves notes for our staff to encourage them as they walk by his place,” said Crystal.

The idea to encourage staff came from a banner Galen received from his church around Easter that read, “You Are Loved.” Parishioners were encourage to hang up the banner in their apartment as a daily reminder.

“With that came the idea of all the people around here and the things they do every day. I thought they needed to be recognized, not just verbally but they need to see that each day,” said Galen.

So, he hung a sign on his door listing everyone on staff, hoping they would see his appreciation.

“I can’t imagine the extra effort that is exerted when you really think of what they’re doing at this time. They need to know we’re not taking them for granted.”

Focusing on the bright side is simply who Galen is.

“I’ve always tried to look on the plus side of everything and work from there. The thing I’ve done is try to avoid anything that’s negative. To me, being positive is the only way to survive.”

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