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Arlo Bell found the perfect fit

Before Arlo Bell moved in to independent living on campus, he made a scale drawing of his apartment and drew in his furniture to ensure it would fit how he liked. Now that he’s settled into his place, everything is just right.

“My favorite thing about my apartment is the compact nature of it. It is easy to maintain and get around,” said Arlo.

Drawing things to scale isn’t something new for Arlo. As a former newspaper man, Arlo’s office moved two or three times during his career and each time he would make a scale drawing of the new office and draw in the equipment to make sure it would all fit. It was in these offices that Arlo worked as a type operator during the letterpress days and he wrote a column that required researching old newspapers and talking about previous events and articles.

Today, Arlo still takes the newspaper and enjoys each of the columns. But he does so from the comfort of his apartment.

“It is quiet, peaceful and comfortable here,” said Arlo. “The staff are good and helpful, too.”

Arlo enjoys reading, watching TV and enjoying a good breakfast every morning in the dining room. He also likes to sit by the window and watch the geese fly around or the rabbit on the property when it shows up.

Living at Emporia Presbyterian Manor means he can be comfortable and feel secure. Life here offers Arlo convenience in the sense that he is able to utilize services he needs to get his groceries on the weekly shopping trip.

Are you, or is someone you know considering a move to campus? If so, Arlo suggests talking with other residents to get their opinion about living here.

“I would suggest to anyone that they look over the apartments and see if it fits their needs,” he said.

Arlo thinks they’ll find it to be the perfect fit, too.

PHOTO: Resident Arlo Bell at the Lyon County History Center during a bus trip in 2018.

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